Leon High School Volleyball




Leon High School is the oldest continuously accredited high school in Florida, with a long tradition of excellence in academics and athletics.

Leon is Florida’s oldest continually accredited high school, founded in 1871 just twenty-six years after Florida became a state. It was five years later when a two story building was erected on the present day site of the Hobbs Federal Building along Tennessee Street. This facility was used until a new building was erected in 1911. That structure was located on the current site of the Leon County Public Library along Park Avenue.

Growth dictated another new facility in 1936. There was much criticism about the three-story structure that houses Leon today. Many people thought it so large that it would never be more than half-full. This third structure, which is still our home today, weathered the criticism and has served the community well. We want every Leon student to feel part of our legacy and tradition. Once you have walked these hallowed halls, you are part of its history.

Our pride is based on our tradition of excellence.


Alma mater 

The red clay hills of Tallahassee
Harbor memories dear
Memories of our dear old high school
That we all revere.
May we ever bring thee glory
Always honor thee,
Keeping burning deep inside us,
Fires you kindled there.
To Leon, To Leon
We all sing to thee
Faithful we’ll always be
To our dear old Alma Mater
We love thy classic halls
Forever more
Loyal and ever true
Leon to you!
— Coach C.H. “Blake” Clark